viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011


I have to write about a picture, but I prefer to write about an street artist called Banksy, who makes his art in the public space producing a lot of images in the city every day. Nobody knows excatly who Banksy is, because he is an anonimous grafitti artist. The only thing we know, it's that he is english, because his work has been known in the stretts of english cities.He gives to his art a lot of political content, like anti-capitalism, anarchism, exsistencialsm or anti-imperialism and how his way of producing art is sometimes illegal, he doesn't say his real identity. 
The techinque more used by Banksy, is the stencil, that consists in a thin sheet of material that you cut in the form of letters and images applying pigment trough the cut-holes in the material. I really like this technique because the work is done just once and then you can reproduce the image all the times that you want without taking a lot of time or doing a big work. In his stencils, Banksy shows a part of the reality in a very creative way, giving social and political messages with an irreverent dark humour, not only in the streets, because Banksy also puts his works in the museums in a clandestine way, he has had exhibitions and he has make films too, all this from the anonymity and without beeing discovered his formal identity.
I really like the art of Banksy, but not only in an aesthetic sense, because I think that the ideas that he represents by his work are very important for our society, because he is able to show our problems in a very atttractive way so everyone see it.

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011


Today, I have to write about TV serials, but I have a problem : the only thing I watch on TV are football matches ( sometimes ) and films. I don't like watching TV, I prefer to do a lot of things before watching the life of other people, because hardly I have the time to do all I would like to do and sit in front of a box that shows images and destroys my imagination and creativity is not a priority for me. I studied in an elementary school where I had prohibited watching TV and using a computer, but now I use the computer like a tool or for listening music and be informed. Nowadays, the people don't get out of their homes, the children don't play in the parks and neighbors don't meet each other, everything because of the alienation that the TV or the social nets produces creating on the people of this society a difficulty to establish real relations with the other people and the environment in general. I think that people like watching TV because they don't have to do anything, neither thinking or imagine something, it's everything done and that is what many people looks for nowadays : they want everything already done, not doing anything, but that affects us like human beings that are able to think, to create, to imagine anything by our own. Is for that reason that  I call you to live your lives, not the one of other ones, turn off the TV and think by yourself!