viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011


I love travelling, because I think that is very important to know about the lifestyle of the people in other places to be able to understand your own society. Of course that I like going to places where there’s nobody too, but I think that it’s another kind of travel and you don’t need to go so far (like another country) to get that experience.
Anyway, if someone ask me in this momento where I would like to go to, I would say taht I want to go to Cuba, because I think that it’s a very different society, but it’s changing, and everyday it’s more similar than the way of organization that we have in this country and the most of the countrys of the world. Every people that has gone there has differents opinions about if the cuban lifestyle, somebody says that the cubans don’t like their country and its system, other  people says that cubans are very happy living there… So, I would like to know it by myself. For this reason, if I went to Cuba, I wouldn’t like to go like a turist, because in that condition, you don’t understand the reality of the country and his people, so I would like to go there like a student or worker and live with the cuban people and no in a hotel.

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

English IV

Hi, this term I've take english four, the last one that  I have to take. I hope this term to be short, because I think I,m not going to do the best work in summer, because of the warm and I will be thinking all the time that in a ordinary year, I should be on holidays. Anyway, apart from english, I have take only five subjects more, so, I have not a lot of classes and that makes easyer to stay here on summer. And about the things I would like to do in the english class, I like to write about different topics on the blog, because I think that it is a good way to expressing about the things you would need to talk about.

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011


I have to write about a picture, but I prefer to write about an street artist called Banksy, who makes his art in the public space producing a lot of images in the city every day. Nobody knows excatly who Banksy is, because he is an anonimous grafitti artist. The only thing we know, it's that he is english, because his work has been known in the stretts of english cities.He gives to his art a lot of political content, like anti-capitalism, anarchism, exsistencialsm or anti-imperialism and how his way of producing art is sometimes illegal, he doesn't say his real identity. 
The techinque more used by Banksy, is the stencil, that consists in a thin sheet of material that you cut in the form of letters and images applying pigment trough the cut-holes in the material. I really like this technique because the work is done just once and then you can reproduce the image all the times that you want without taking a lot of time or doing a big work. In his stencils, Banksy shows a part of the reality in a very creative way, giving social and political messages with an irreverent dark humour, not only in the streets, because Banksy also puts his works in the museums in a clandestine way, he has had exhibitions and he has make films too, all this from the anonymity and without beeing discovered his formal identity.
I really like the art of Banksy, but not only in an aesthetic sense, because I think that the ideas that he represents by his work are very important for our society, because he is able to show our problems in a very atttractive way so everyone see it.

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011


Today, I have to write about TV serials, but I have a problem : the only thing I watch on TV are football matches ( sometimes ) and films. I don't like watching TV, I prefer to do a lot of things before watching the life of other people, because hardly I have the time to do all I would like to do and sit in front of a box that shows images and destroys my imagination and creativity is not a priority for me. I studied in an elementary school where I had prohibited watching TV and using a computer, but now I use the computer like a tool or for listening music and be informed. Nowadays, the people don't get out of their homes, the children don't play in the parks and neighbors don't meet each other, everything because of the alienation that the TV or the social nets produces creating on the people of this society a difficulty to establish real relations with the other people and the environment in general. I think that people like watching TV because they don't have to do anything, neither thinking or imagine something, it's everything done and that is what many people looks for nowadays : they want everything already done, not doing anything, but that affects us like human beings that are able to think, to create, to imagine anything by our own. Is for that reason that  I call you to live your lives, not the one of other ones, turn off the TV and think by yourself!

sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

mp3 player

There are a lot of pieces of technology that we use every day, so, it's difficult to choose one, but if I have to do it, I would choose the mp3 player, because it allows me to listen to music everytime and everywhere. I have an mp3 player for four years, when my father gave it to me for my birthday and since that day, I began to use it a lot. For example, when I'm travelling by bus, cycling or just when I'm in my bedroom or in the park to switch off of the study. For that reason is that I consider that the mp3 player is so important, because it is a good way of distraction, that I use every day because you don't need anything more than time and your mp3 player to use it, I mean that you don't need any other people or any prepartion to do it. I think that if I hadn't my mp3 player, I would be under more stress, because I hadn't one of the distraction that I use the most. Anyway, I have to consider other pieces of technology like necessary for the mp3 player, like the computer or the headphones, because if they didn't exsist, the mp3 player wouldn't work.

domingo, 17 de abril de 2011


Hi people, today, I’m gonna speak about one of my favourites things : music. The music has been considerate like the language of the gods, but I prefer to consider it like the language of all the people in the world, because a music composed in Africa or China, can be listened and untertanded in Chile or anywhere without any problem ( if we consider the music by itself, not lyrics ) and I think that for this reason, the music is very important, because it makes a link between all the people in the world. In my case, i listen music every day ( although i prefer to play it ) on the radio or computer, in websites like grooveshark or youtube, but I think that the best way to listen to music, it is live, because you are not beeing a passive listener, but an active person who not only listen, but is watching too and has an relation more direct with the artist. So, to finish, I invite all of you to go to see live music.

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Today i'm going to speak about Rebelión, a website devoted to broadcasting the news that the traditional press doesn't broadcast. The website is focalizated in Latin America, because the news are published in spanish, but it has news of all the world. The website wants to be helped and served by all kind of groups and people who fight for change this World to create another one with more justice and equality and balanced socially and ecologically. In the website, there is a lot of important intellectual figures like Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore, Nestor Kohan or the Subcommander Marcos. I visit this website every day, because it’s my favourite news website because it’s not written by an editorial group, but  anybody can send the things they write and they can be published.
The websites news are organizad by topics, territorios and authors, so it’s very simple to find the news what you want and you can find the news related with the topics you are looping for. So, you are invited to visit it t get informed by this way to be more conscious of the problems of this World
I leave you the link:

The Wall

I think people like films because it's a good way to have a good time alone or with someone else. My favourite film is The Wall, a film based on a Pink Floyd's album of the same name, this musical film was directed by Alan Parker and musicalizated by Pink Floyd. It was written by Roger Waters, who created the story of Pink, the protagonist of the film, who is a rock star and reflects Waters. The film begins with Pink in an hotel room when he remembers his past, when he was a boy, he remembers his parent, who had died in the war, the way his mother treated him, because she was very overprotective and when he was humiliated by his teachers. Pink gets married, but his wife has an affaire with another one while Pink is on tour, so he is shown in an hotel room with a fit of anger destroying everything and after that, he shaves himself completely. In this state, he is found by his manager and some paramedics that inject him and Pink begins to hallucinate that he is a dictator and there is a lot of people who follows and obeys him, but suddenly, he goes to bathroom where he imagines a trial to himself where the judge sentences hi to destroy ¨the wall¨ that separates himself from the rest of the world, exposing his fears to everyone. The film finishes  after the wall is destroyed, when are showed three children playing at the ruins of the wall.
I have watched this film a lot of times, and i really like it because the music and the animations.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011


hello I'm tomas and this is my blog. I have a blog because I need it for my english calsses at the university and for that reason i'm writing in english. I hope to create a good and interesting blog, because i had never written before in any other space like this one. So, I hope you enjoy it.