viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

the environment

In the last time, the global warming has become in one of the most important problems that we have as society in the world, crossingall the political opinions, social classes or place where people live, because the environment is very important for everyone, and we all have to be able ton save our world of the destruction that ourselves have done.
In that sense, nowadays is very easy to find information about environmentally friendly practices, because they are disseminated by the governmets, ONG’s and companies, encouraging practices like the recycling and making it more easy to do. For example, in my house, we recycle an important part of the garbage, and it’s very easy because there is a truck that goes every week to take the recycling. Also I try to don’t use electric machines as it’s possible, don’t waste water unnecessarily and I go everywhere in my bike when it’s possible too, because I live a little far of the places I use to go to. Some years ago, I have been working in a organization that plants trees in the Santiago’s hills, but I have stopped working there.
I think that all these everyday practices are very important to take care of the environmet, but all those things that the normal people use to do, must be accompainde with politics that regulates the big industries, because they pollute a lot of the pollution produced in the world, and sometimes is better for them to pay more taxes than having a way of production more friendly with the environment.

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012


I have written in an old post the importance of music as the language of all the people in the world, but today I’m going to write about the music in a more personal way. I like a lot of kinds of music, because I think that the different kinds of music represent different feelings and states, but if I have to choose, I think I would prefer the trova or the ska, because I think that those are the music styles that I listen the most, but if I have to choose only one group or singer, I would prefer Silvio Rodriguez, because I really like his melodies and his lyrics. I use to listen music every moment it’s possible, even while I’m studying, but the truth is that I prefer playing music than listening it, I use to play piano and guitar with my brothers who play bass, trumpet, charango, violin and also piano and guitar, we use to pass a lot of our time just playing music or improvising, it’s very fun because we all like the same music styles. As you ca see, the music is very important in my life, but not only now, I have started playing music when I was six years old, and I haven’t stopped playing since now, so, I think that music has been a very important part of my life.

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012


The happiness is like the perfection, I think that if you want to be happy or make something perfect, you need to be doing something to achieve it all the time. Nothing can be perfect all the time, because in any moment it stops being perfect, and also I think that nobody can be happy all the time, because it would be so boring, and boredom is not part of happiness. But I think that there is another problem with the happiness, because the people use to think that we have to try to be happy all the time, believing that if you achieve it, you will be a better person, but I think that all the feelings are necessaries to be able to understand our lifes, our society and our world. For me, is very important being able to feel and understan all the feelings, not only the 'good ones', we have to know how to value the sadness, the hate, the love, the helplessness... The human being can feel a lot of things and we don't have to ignore any of them. So, I don't know if Chile is a happy country, or if for people is difficult being happy, but I know that being happy is very important for everyone, but not all the time.